Gas Fireplace, Maintenance, and Repair in Seattle

Gas fireplaces provide efficient heat and the visual appeal of a fire without the mess and work of a wood stove.

Our maintenance service includes testing of the ventilation, gas valve, thermocouple, and thermopile, as well as safety checks of CO leakage and for natural gas leakage. We conduct all minor repairs, including loose wires, frayed wires, clogged pilot tubing, and dirty sensors, and are all included in our yearly maintenance fees. We clean the unit with a glass solution bath to remove any soot residue, remove the burner and pilot assembly for cleaning, replace any deteriorated rock wood, and then vacuum and wet wipe down the entire unit. Regular maintenance is recommended every 1-2 years. Precision Energy specializes in repairing all models of gas fireplaces.

From repairs, to gas conversions, we are ready to be your gas fireplace experts.

Why should you choose Precision Energy?

There are thousands of reasons. Read on and we will give you a few, or just see what our customers say about us because Story After Story, We Deliver Smiles!